Profesor Titular Adjunto  (2016-2017)
Instituto de Ingeniería Biológica y Médica
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

 Doctorado. Ingeniería Biomédica, Instituto Suizo de Tecnología (ETH), Zurich, Suiza
Magíster. Universidad Técnica de Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Alemania




+56 2 2354 1100


Desarrollo de secuencia de RM para la imagen de la arteriosclerosis, imágenes de la arteria coronaria, angiografía mejorada sin contraste, caracterización de tejidos, perfusión de tejidos, mapeado de oxigenación de la sangre
Imágenes preclínicas de la biología cardiovascular y del cáncer
Desarrollo de agentes de contraste específicos para el objetivo


2014-presente. Jefe del Departamento de Ingeniería Biomédica, King’s College London, Reino Unido
2007- presente. Profesor Titular y Cátedra de Imagen Cardiovascular, King’s College London, Reino Unido
2004-2007. Profesor Titular de Biomedical Imaging, Technische Universität München, Munich, Alemania
2004-2004. Profesor Asistente de Medicina, Harvard Medical School, Boston, EE.UU.
2003-2004. Instructor en Medicina, Harvard Medical School, Boston, EE.UU.
2002. James E. Muller Placa Vulnerable Nuevo Premio Investigador para la Investigación Clínica, Asociación para la Erradicación del Ataque Cardíaco, Houston, TX
2001-2003. Científico Visitante en Medicina en la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard, Boston, EE.UU.
1997-2003. Científico de MR, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, EE.UU.
1997-2003. Científico Clínico, Philips Medical Systems, Estados Unidos
1996-1997. Investigador Asociado, Universidad de Zurich, Zurich


2017- presente. Editor Asociado: Journal for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (JCMR)
2012-presente.  Miembro del comité organizador educativo y presidente de categoría de Imaging Molecular Mundial y European Molecular Imaging Society
2011- presente. Miembro del Consejo Editorial del European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging
2008-2011. Miembro del Consejo de Administración de la Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
2008-2010. Miembro de la Junta Científica de la Iniciativa de Placas de Alto Riesgo
Premio a la Medalla de Oro 2010-2012 de la Sociedad de Resonancia Magnética Cardiovascular (SCMR)


2004. Artículo de la circulación sobre “In-Vivo MR Imaging de la trombosis coronaria utilizando un Fibrin Binding Molecular MR Contrast Agent” clasificado como Circulation Issue Resaltar, Asociación Americana del Corazón (AHA), Houston, TX
2004, 2013. Sesión plenaria en la Sociedad Europea de Resonancia Magnética en Medicina y Biología
2012-16. 10x Premios ISMRM Summa / Magna Cum Laude para estudiantes de doctorado y postdocs supervisados
2012. Fellow de la Sociedad Premio: Sociedad Internacional de Resonancia Magnética en Medicina (ISMRM). Melbourne, Australia
2012. Premio al maestro sobresaliente: Sociedad Internacional de Resonancia Magnética en Medicina (ISMRM). Melbourne, Australia
2011-16. Premio distinguido de revisor, Resonancia magnética en medicina
2009. Sesión plenaria en la Sociedad Internacional de Resonancia Magnética en Medicina
2007. JACC artículo sobre “Delayed mejora CMR imágenes de la pared de las arterias coronarias: comparación con multislice CT y angiografía coronaria cuantitativa” clasificado por el American College of Cardiology como uno de los aspectos más destacados de 2007. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2008; 51; 490-512
2004. Artículo de la circulación sobre “In-Vivo MR Imaging de la trombosis coronaria utilizando un Fibrin Binding Molecular MR Contrast Agent” clasificado como Circulation Issue Resaltar, Asociación Americana del Corazón (AHA), Houston, TX
2004, 2013. Sesión plenaria en la Sociedad Europea de Resonancia Magnética en Medicina y Biología
2002. James E. Muller Placa Vulnerable Nuevo Premio Investigador para la Investigación Clínica, Asociación para la Erradicación del Ataque Cardíaco, Houston, TX
1999. El artículo de la circulación sobre la imagen coronaria de la RM en 3D, clasificado por la Asociación Americana del Corazón (AHA) como uno de los 10 mejores avances en enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares en 1999, Houston, TX.


2017-2021. EPSRC standard grant (PI) “Self-Navigated Multi-Contrast And Quantitative Whole Heart 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. £974,560
2016-2021. EPSRC programme grant (EP/P001009/1) (PI: King’s College London) “SmartHeart “Next-generation cardiovascular healthcare via integrated   image acquisition, reconstruction, analysis and learning” £2,080,379 (total grant £5,127,775)
2016-2020. FONDECYT N° 1161051 (PI)” Comprehensive Assessment of Coronary and Myocardial Disease with Self-gated 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. CLP 183.220.000
2016-2020. FONDECYT (Co-PI) “Free breathing 3D Cardiac Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting”. CLP 197.751.000
2016-2017. King’s Health Partners (Co-PI) “Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for Myocardial Tissue Characterisation”. £76,870
2016-2017. King’s Health Partners (Co-PI) “Operator-independent PET/MR imaging: Developing a better diagnostic test of prostate cancer aggressiveness”. £73,450
2016-2020. Wellcome Trust (Co-PI) “Magnetic Resonance Guided Ablation System for Treatment of Ventricular Tachycardia (MR-GAST-VT)”. £1,744,456
2016- 2018. BHF (Co-PI) “Multi-sequence MRI characterisation of deep vein thrombosis in man”. £128,985
2016- 2019. EC – European Commission (PI) “In Vivo Spectral Photon Counting CT Molecular Imaging in Cardio- and Neuro-Vascular Diseases – SPCCT”. £248,977
2016- 2019. EPSRC (Co-PI) “Motion Corrected Reconstruction for 3D Cardiac Simultaneous PET-MR Imaging: Towards Efficient Assessment of Coronary Artery Diseases”. £608,658
2015-2018. CONICYT-ANILLO (Co-PI) “Tecnologías de Imágenes por Resonancia Magnética para enfermedades asociadas a la vejez: Cerebro, Corazón y Vasos”. £440.000
2015- 2018. Academy of Medical Sciences Newton Advanced Fellowship (Mentor) ”3.0T Magnetic Resonance Delayed Enhancement Vessel Wall Imaging in Patients with Type 1 and 2 Diabetes”. £111,000
2014- 2017. BHF PhD fellowship (PI) ”Molecular imaging of inflammation and extracellular matrix remodelling after MI”. £120,000
2014 – 2016. TSB – Technology Strategy Board grant (PI) ”Atherosclerosis stratification using advanced imaging and computer-based models” £304,747
2012 – 2017. BHF program grant (RG/12/1/29262) (PI) ”Molecular imaging of dysfunctional matrix remodelling in arterial disease” £1,094,302
2008 – 2019. BHF Centre of Research Excellence (Co-PI). £14,957,844

Proyectos terminados

2015- 2016. Medical Research Council (PI) “Regulatory T-cell therapy for Orthotopic Heart Transplantation in Children” £99,954
2011 – 2015. EU FP7-NMP-2010-LARGE-4 collaborative grant (PI of King’s College London contribution) “MultiFunctional Nanotechnology for Selective Detection and Treatment of Cancer” €571,397 (total grant €9.800,000)
2013 – 2014. Bracco Imaging SpA (Co-PI) “High resolution three dimensional MRI of the heart and intrathoracic vessels in patients with congenital heart disease” £38,478
2014- 2014. PHILIPS TECHNOLOGIE GMBH (PI) “Firmware-based design for a PET detector data acquisition and processing chain and RF interference reduction techniques for simultaneous PET/MR imaging” £51,577
2009 – 2014. Wellcome/EPSRC Medical Engineering Centre grant (PI of project 3) (WT 088641/Z/09/Z) Project 3: Simultaneous PET/MR imaging of atherosclerosis using novel molecular and cellular contrast agents” £1,310,058 (total grant £9,227,697)
2013 – 2014. KHP Research grant (Co-PI) “A study using elastin-specific MRI contrast agent to quantify renal fibrosis” £26,560
2012 – 2014. British Heart Foundation (Co-PI) “Detection and grading of coronary allograft vasculopathy in children using Magnetic Resonance Imaging” £ 135,858
2011 – 2014. BHF project grant (Co-PI) “Defining the mechanism by which vasodilator drugs selectively reduce central pulse pressure through a reduction in pressure augmentation” £ 194,816
2011 – 2014. Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity (Co-PI) “Magnetic resonance imaging for follow up of Paediatric Heart Transplant” £ 51,000
2011 – 2015. EU FP7-NMP-2010-LARGE-4 collaborative grant (PI of King’s College London contribution)
MultiFunctional Nanotechnology for Selective Detection and Treatment of Cancer” €571,397 (total grant €9.800,000)
2009 – 2014. Wellcome/EPSRC Medical Engineering Centre grant (PI of project 3) (WT 088641/Z/09/Z)
Project 3: Simultaneous PET/MR imaging of atherosclerosis using novel molecular and cellular contrast agents” £1,310,058 (total grant £10,500,000)
2010 – 2012. BHF project grant (PG/10/044/28343) (PI) “MRI of intraplaque albumin as marker for plaque neovascularization” £192,943
2009 – 2012. EPSRC (Co-PI) “Pretargeting nanoparticle strategies for multimodal imaging of tumours” £ 322,614
2009 – 2012. The Guy’s and St Thomas Charity (Co-PI) “Monocyte-platelet aggregates in the circulation: a novel biomarker for atherosclerosis” £292,724
2009 – 2011. BHF project grant (PG/09/061) (PI) “MRI of inflammation and extracellular matrix formation in atherosclerosis and vascular injury” £161.666
2008 –2011. German Research Council, HBFG Hardware Grant Small Animal MRI (Co-PI)” €2.100,000
2008 –2011. BHF research excellence PhD studentship  (Co-PI) £100.000
2008 –2011. Harris PhD studentship  (Co-PI) £100.000
2008 – 2011. BRC program grant (Co-PI) “MR perfusion imaging to guide management of patients with stable coronary artery disease” £1,000.000
2008 – 2011. BRC program grant (Co-PI) “ARTerial Inflammation, STIffening and Calification ARTISTIC” £750.000
2009 – 2011. BHF project grant (Co-PI) “Three-dimensional whole heart perfusion MR imaging” £194.732
2008 – 2010. Lantheus Medical Imaging (PI) “Dose finding study for CP1174 in a pig model of coronary injury” £48.777
2008 – 2010. Lantheus Medical Imaging (PI) “Non-invasive assessment of arterial integrity using an elastin specific MRI contrast agent” £66.926
2007 – 2010. IGSSE PhD stipend award (PI) “Fluid structure interaction in hemodynamics” €80.000
2005 – 2010. NIH/NIBIB (Co-Mentor) “Cardiac MRI with 3D Undersampled Radial Imaging” $550.000
2008 – 2009. BHF research excellence clinical fellowship (PI) £37.393
2006 – 2009. BMBF project grant (PI) “MAGIC: Magnetic Particle Imaging for Cardiovascular Applications” €424.805
2005 – 2008. BMBF (PI) “Development of target specific contrast agents for image guided diagnosis and therapy of cancer” €259.166
2006 – 2008. Bristol-Myers Squibb (PI) “Coronary plaque imaging in a swine model of in-stent stenosis using a plaque specific MR contrast agent” €62.575
2005 – 2007. Bayer Schering Pharma (PI) “Delayed enhancement coronary vessel wall imaging in patients with unstable coronary artery disease using Gadovist” €10.000
2005 – 2006. EPIX Pharmaceuticals (PI) “A phase II feasibility study to evaluate the safety and
efficacy of EP-2104R for magnetic resonance imaging of thrombi in the arterial vasculature and cardiac chambers” €15.000
2004 – 2004. EPIX Medical Inc. (PI)  “Coronary MRA and myocardial perfusion using an intravascular MR contrast agent” $151.514


(Seleccionadas de entre 225 publicaciones)

Phinikaridou A, Andia ME, Lavin B, Smith A, Saha P, Botnar RM. “Increased Vascular Permeability Measured With an Albumin-Binding Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agent Is a Surrogate Marker of Rupture-Prone Atherosclerotic Plaque“. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2016 Dec;9(12). pii: e004910. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.116.004910. Citado por 1

Gebhardt P, Wehner J, Weissler B, Botnar R, Marsden PK, Schulz V. “FPGA-based RF interference reduction techniques for simultaneous PET-MRI”. Phys Med Biol. 2016 Apr 6;61(9):3500-3526.

Nezafat M, Henningsson M, Ripley DP, Dedieu N, Greil G, Greenwood JP, Börnert P, Plein S, Botnar RM. “Coronary MR angiography at 3T: fat suppression versus water-fat separation”. MAGMA. 2016 Apr 2.

Kenny GD, Shaw KP, Sivachelvam S, White AJ, Botnar RM, T M de Rosales R. “A bisphosphonate for 19F-magnetic resonance imaging”. J Fluor Chem. 2016 Apr;184:58-64.

Cruz G, Atkinson D, Henningsson M, Botnar RM, Prieto C. “Highly efficient nonrigid motion-corrected 3D whole-heart coronary vessel wall imaging”. Magn Reson Med. 2016 May 25.


Lavin B, Phinikaridou A, Lorrio S, Zaragoza C, Botnar RM. “Monitoring vascular permeability and remodeling after endothelial injury in a murine model using a magnetic resonance albumin-binding contrast agent”. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015 Apr;8(4).

Weissler B, Gebhardt P, Duppenbecker P, Wehner J, Schug D, Lerche C, Goldschmidt B, Salomon A, Verel I, Heijman E, Perkuhn M, Heberling D, Botnar R, Kiessling F, Schulz V. “A Digital Preclinical PET/MRI Insert and Initial Results”. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2015 Apr 29.

Protti A, Lavin B, Dong X, Lorrio S, Robinson S, Onthank D, Shah AM, Botnar RM. “Assessment of Myocardial Remodeling Using an Elastin/Tropoelastin Specific Agent with High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)”. J Am Heart Assoc. 2015 Aug 13;4(8).

Henningsson M, Hussain T, Vieira MS, Greil GF, Smink J, Ensbergen GV, Beck G, Botnar RM. “Whole-heart coronary MR angiography using image-based navigation for the detection of coronary anomalies in adult patients with congenital heart disease”. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2015 Oct 9.

Hussain T, Mathur S, Peel SA, Valverde I, Bilska K, Henningsson M, Botnar RM, Simpson J, Greil GF. “Coronary artery size and origin imaging in children: a comparative study of MRI and trans-thoracic echocardiography”. BMC Med Imaging. 2015 Oct 27;15(1):48.

Protti A, Mongue-Din H, Mylonas KJ, Sirker A, Sag CM, Swim MM, Maier L, Sawyer G, Dong X, Botnar R, Salisbury J, Gray GA, Shah AM. “Bone marrow transplantation modulates tissue macrophage phenotype and enhances cardiac recovery after subsequent acute myocardial infarction”. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Dec 11.


Rudyk O, Phinikaridou A, Prysyazhna O, Burgoyne JR, Botnar RM, Eaton P. “Protein kinase G oxidation is a major cause of injury during sepsis”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jun 11;110(24):9909-13.

Makowski MR, Henningsson M, Spuentrup E, Kim WY, Maintz D, Manning WJ, Botnar RM. “Characterization of Coronary Atherosclerosis by Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. Circulation. 2013 Sep 10;128(11):1244-1255.


Makowski MR, Forbes SC, Blume U, Warley A, Jansen CH, Schuster A, Wiethoff AJ, Botnar RM. “In vivo assessment of intraplaque and endothelial fibrin in ApoE(-/-) mice by molecular MRI”. Atherosclerosis. 2012 Jan 10.

Phinikaridou A, Andia ME, Protti A, Indermuehle A, Shah A, Smith A, Warley A, Botnar RM. “Noninvasive MRI Evaluation of Endothelial Permeability in Murine Atherosclerosis Using an Albumin-Binding Contrast Agent”. Circulation. 2012 Aug 7;126(6):707-19.


Makowski MR, Wiethoff AJ, Blume U, Cuello F, Warley A, Jansen CH, Nagel E, Razavi R, Onthank DC, Cesati RR, Marber MS, Schaeffter T, Smith A, Robinson SP, Botnar RM. “Assessment of atherosclerotic plaque burden with an elastin-specific magnetic resonance contrast agent”. Nat Med. 2011 Mar;17(3):383-8.

Jansen CH, Perera D, Makowski MR, Wiethoff AJ, Phinikaridou A, Razavi RM, Marber MS, Greil GF, Nagel E, Maintz D, Redwood S, Botnar RM. “Detection of Intracoronary Thrombus by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction”. Circulation. 2011 Jul 26;124(4):416-24.


Spuentrup E, Botnar RM, Wiethoff AJ, Ibrahim T, Kelle S, Katoh M, Ozgun M, Nagel E, Vymazal J, Graham PB, Günther RW, Maintz D. “MR imaging of thrombi using EP-2104R, a fibrin-specific contrast agent: initial results in patients”. Eur Radiol. 2008 Sep;18(9):1995-2005.


Yeon SB, Sabir A, Clouse M, Martinezclark PO, Peters DC, Hauser TH, Gibson CM, Nezafat R, Maintz D, Manning WJ, Botnar RM. “Delayed enhancement CMR coronary artery wall imaging: comparison with multislice CT and quantitative coronary angiography”. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007; 50: 441-447.

Peters DC, Wylie JV, Hauser TH, Kissinger KV, Botnar RM, Essebag V, Josephson ME, Manning WJ. “Detection of Pulmonary Vein and Left Atrial Scar after Catheter Ablation with Three-dimensional Navigator-gated Delayed Enhancement MR Imaging: Initial Experience”. Radiology. 2007;243(3):690-5.


Botnar RM, Perez AS, Witte S, Wiethoff AJ, Laredo J, Hamilton JA, Quist W, Parsons EC, Vaidya A, Kolodziej A, Barrett JA, Graham PB, Weisskoff RM, Manning WJ, Johnstone MT. “In-vivo molecular imaging of acute and subacute thrombosis using a fibrin binding MRI contrast agent”. Circulation. 2004;109:2023-2029.

Botnar RM, Buecker A, Wiethoff AJ, Parsons EC Jr, Katoh M, Katsimaglis G, Weisskoff RM, Lauffer RB, Graham PB, Gunther RW, Manning WJ, Spuentrup E. “In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of coronary thrombosis using a fibrin-binding molecular magnetic resonance contrast agent”. Circulation. 2004;110(11):1463-6.


Kim WY, Stuber M, Börnert P, Kissinger KV, Manning WJ, Botnar RM. “Three-dimensional black blood magnetic resonance coronary vessel wall imaging demonstrates positive arterial remodeling in patients with non-significant coronary artery disease”. Circulation 2002;106:296-9.


Kim WY, Danias PG, Stuber M, Flamm S, Plein S, Nagel E, Langerak S, Weber OM, Pedersen EM, Schmidt M,Botnar RM, Manning WJ. “Comparison of three-dimensional coronary magnetic resonance angiography with x-ray angiography for detection of coronary artery stenosis”. N Engl J Med 2001;345:1863-9.


Botnar RM, Stuber M, Kissinger KV, Kim WY, Spüntrup E, Manning WJ. “Noninvasive coronary vessel wall and plaque imaging with magnetic resonance imaging”. Circulation 2000;102:2582-7.


Botnar RM, Stuber M, Danias PG, Kissinger KV, Manning WJ. “Improved coronary artery definition with T2-weighted free-breathing 3D-coronary MRA”. Circulation 1999;99:3139-48.