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Aguirre-Reyes D, Arab JP, Arrese M, Tejos R, Irarrazaval P, Tejos C, Uribe S, Andia M,Non-contrast indirect MRI Quantification of portal hypertension severity Proceedings 23rd International Conference of the ISMRM, Toronto, 2015

Arrieta C, Sing-Long C, Uribe S, Andia M, Irarrazaval P, Tejos C,Level set segmentation with shape knowledge using intrinsic rotation Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, New York

Phinikaridou A, Lacerda S, Andia M, Botnar RM,Development of a tropoelastin-binding Mr contrast agent for in vivo imaging of impaired elastogenesis in atherosclerosis Proceedings of the 2015 SCMR/Euro CMR joint Scientific Sessions, Nice. J cardiovasc magn reson;17 (suppl 1), O102

Phinikaridou A, Andia M, Lavin-Plaza B, Saha P, Smith A, Botnar RM,Increased vascular permeability is a surrogate marker of atheroscleroticplaque instability Proceedings of the 2015 SCMR/Euro CMR joint Scientific Sessions, Nice. J cardiovasc magn reson;17 (suppl 1), Q111

Phinikaridou A, Saha P, Andia M, Smith A, Botnar RM,Multi-sequence non-contrast MRI characterization of deep vein thrombosis in man Proceedings of the 2015 SCMR/Euro CMR joint Scientific Sessions, Nice. J cardiovasc magn reson;17 (suppl 1), P10

Urbina J, Sotelo J, Tejos C, Irarrazaval P, Andia M, Razavi R, Valverde I, Uribe S,Realistic MR compatible Thoracic Aortic Phamtom to Study coarctations using catheterization and cine PC-MRI Sequence Proceedings of the 2015 SCMR/Euro CMR joint Scientific Sessions, Nice. J cardiovasc magn reson;17 (suppl 1), P199

Aguirre-Reyes D, Arab JP, Arrese M, Tejos R, Irarrazaval P, Tejos C, Uribe S, Andia M,Non-invasive portal hypertension diagnosis using non-contrast MR portal-venogram Proceedings ISMRM Workshop on Non-Contrast Cardiovascular MRI, Long Beach, CA, 2015.


Saha P, Phinikaridou A, Andia M, Patel AS, Grover SP, Bajw A, Modarai B, Botnar RM, Smith A,Multiple-sequence non-contrast MRI characterisation of experimental venous thrombi predicts susceptiblility to lysis and is feasible in man Proceedings AHA Scientific Sessions, Chicago, 2014.

K Letelier, ME Andia, C Tejos, P Irarrazaval, C Prieto, S Uribe,Accelerating the acquisition of the 3D Dual Cardiac Phase technique using RPE trajectories Proceedings 17th Annual Scientific Sessions, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, New Orleans, 2014.

J Sotelo, J Urbina, C Tejos, I Valverde, DI Hurtado, S Uribe,3D quantification of wall shear stress and oscillatory index using finite-element interpolations in 4D flow MR data of the thoracic aorta Proceedings 17th Annual Scientific Sessions, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, New Orleans, 2014.

J Sotelo, J Urbina, E Ortiz, C Tejos, DE Hurtado, S Uribe,Quantification of Wall Shear Stress using Finite-Element Interpolations in Multidimensional Phase Contrast MR data of the Thoracic Aorta Proceedings 17th Annual Scientific Sessions, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, New Orleans, 2014.

C. Muñoz, D. Razmilic, ME. Navarro, P. Espinoza, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe, ME. Andia.Volumetric Breast Density Quantification From 2D Mamographies Compared With Breast MRI. Proceedings 22st International Conference of the ISMRM, Milan, May 2014.

G. Varela, A. Tobisch, T. Stoecker, P. Irarrazaval.Curvelets, a New Sparse Domain For Diffusion Spectrum Imaging.Proceedings 22st International Conference of the ISMRM, Milan, May 2014.

D. Aguirre, C. Muñoz, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S.Uribe, M. E. Andia. Portal Vein contribution to hepatic perfusion estimated using a Triple Inversion Recovery ASL Technique.Proceedings 22st International Conference of the ISMRM, Milan, May 2014.

A. M. Pino, J. Mura , S. Uribe. Enforcing divergence free to velocity data from 4D flow MR images. Proceedings 22st International Conference of the ISMRM, Milan, May 2014.

F. Yanez ,P. Irarrazaval. Sorted Compressed Sensing in MRI.Proceedings 22st International Conference of the ISMRM, Milan, May 2014.

F. Yanez ,P. Irarrazaval. Motion Corrected 3D Liver undersampled MRI .Proceedings 22st International Conference of the ISMRM, Milan, May 2014.

J. Sotelo, J. Urbina, E. Ortiz, C. Tejos, I.l Valverde, D. E. Hurtado, S. Uribe. Quantification of Wall Shear Stress using Finite-Element Interpolations in Multidimensional Phase Contrast MR data of the Thoracic Aorta.Proceedings 22st International Conference of the ISMRM, Milan, May 2014.

J. Sotelo, J. Urbina, C. Tejos, I. Valverde, D.l Hurtado, S. Uribe. 3D quantification of wall shear stress and oscillatory index using finite-element interpolations in 4D flow MR data of the thoracic aorta.Proceedings 22st International Conference of the ISMRM, Milan, May 2014.


P. Bachler, G. Crelier, L. Toro, M. Ferreiro, M. Andia, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S Uribe. Variability of Regurgitation Fraction Values by MRI According to the Flow Quanti cation Method. Proceedings 21st International Conference of the ISMRM, Salt Lake City, April 2013.

J. Urbina, J. Sotelo, M. Anda, C. Tejos, D. Hurtado, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe.Relative Pressure Meamesurement in Toracic Aorta and Pulmonary Artery of Healthy vplunteers and Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Patients Using the 4D Flow Sequence of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance.Proceedings 21st International Conference of the ISMRM, Salt Lake City, April 2013.

C. Arrieta, S. Uribe, D. Hurtado, M. Andia, P. Irarrazaval, C. Tejos. Simultaneous Left and Right Ventricle Segmentation Using Topology Preserving Level Sets. Proceedings 21st International Conference of the ISMRM, Salt Lake City, April 2013.

A. Wetscherek, F. Laun, C. Prieto, C. Tejos. Compressed Sensing for Flow-Compensated Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion Modeling. Proceedings 21st International Conference of the ISMRM, Salt Lake City, April 2013.

Phinikaridou A, Andia ME, Botnar RM. Non-­‐‑invasive detection of endothelial permeability and
function by MRI.
Proceedings 81st European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, Lyon, 2013.


C. Serrano; F. Barrera, H. Vidal, C. Riquelme, P. Labb ́e, J. Liberona, M. Arrese, F. Cruz, C. Prieto, P. Irarr ́azaval, C. Tejos, S. Uribe. Visceral Adipose Tissue Volume Measurement Using MRI, and Its Relation with Liver Elas- tography and Anthropometry, in Type 2 Diabetic Patients. Proceedings 20th International Conference of the ISMRM, Melbourne, May 2012.

P. Bächler, N. Pinochet, I. Valverde, S. Nordmeyer, T. Kuehne, G. Crelier, C. Prieto, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe.
Quantification of Caval Contribution to Flow in the Right and Left Pulmonary Artery of Fontan Patients with 4D Flow MRI.
Proceedings 20th International Conference of the ISMRM, Melbourne, May 2012.

J. Sotelo, P. Bächler, S. Chabert, C. Prieto, D. Hurtado, P. Irarrázaval, C. Tejos, S. Uribe. Normal Values of Wall Shear Stress in the Pulmonary Artery from 4D Flow Data. Proceedings 20th International Conference of the ISMRM, Melbourne, May 2012.

J.L. Honorato, V. Parot, C. Tejos, S. Uribe, P. Irarrazaval. Chemical Species Separation with Simultaneous Estimation of Field Map and T2* Using a K-Space Formulation. Proceedings 20th International Conference of the ISMRM, Melbourne, May 2012.

P. Bächler, N. Pinochet, I. Valverde, S. Nordmeyer, T. Kuehne, G. Crelier, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe. Quantification of Caval contribution to flow in the Right and Left Pulmonary Artery of Fontan patients with 4D Flow MRI. Annual meeting Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Orlando, 2012.

J. Sotelo , P. Bächler, S. Chabert, D. Hurtado, P. Irarrázaval, C. Tejos, S. Uribe. Normal values of Wall Shear Stress in the Pulmonary Artery from 4D flow Data. Annual meeting Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Orlando, 2012.


E. Araos, C. Trincado, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe. Biomodelos de corazon como nueva herramienta para comprender cardiopatias estructurales complejas. Congreso Chileno de Cardiología 2011.

P. Bächler, N. Pinochet, I. Valverde, S. Nordmeyer, T. Kuehne, G. Crelier, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe. Contribucion del flujo de venas cavas hacia ramas pulmonares en pacientes fontan con una nueva aplicacion de resonanciatica. Congreso Chileno de Cardiología 2011.

N. Pinochet, P. Bächler, G. Crelier, R. Parra, J.M. Allendes, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe. 4D Flow: una nueva herramienta de diagnostico para cardiopatias congenitas en resonancia magnética. Congreso Chileno de Cardiología 2011.

C. Arrieta, P. Irarrazaval, V. Parot, C. Sing-Long, C. Tejos, S. Uribe. Cardiac Image Segmentation Using Level Sets with Preserved Topology. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, May 2011.

P. Bächler, G. Crelier, P. Irarrazaval, N. Pinochet, C. Tejos, S. Uribe. Assessment of Blood Flow Patterns in the Pulmonary Artery with 4D Flow MRI. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, May 2011.

P. Bächler, N. Pinochet, C. Tejos, G. Crelier, P. Irrarazaval, S. Uribe. Assessment of blood flow patterns in the pulmonary artery using 4D flow. Annual meeting Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Nice, 2011.

Hussain T, Bell A, Uribe S, Greil G. Assessment of whole heart anatomy using a dual cardiac phase technique. Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Poster Presentation, Nice 2011. France.

Andia ME, Botnar RM. Arterial spin labeling angiography without the need of subtraction using a Triple Inversion Recovery prepulse. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, 2011 (Electronic Poster)

Andia ME, Botnar RM. Dynamic T2prep for flow-­independent vessel wall imaging. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, 2011 (Traditional Poster)

Phinikaridou A, Andia ME, Botnar RM. Gadofosveset detects endothelial dysfunction associated with atherosclerotic plaque formation and progression in mice. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, 2011 (Electronic Poster)

Saha P, Andia ME, Blume U, Modarai B, Waltham M, Smith A, Schaeffter T, Wiethoff AJ.
In vivo correlation of T1 and methemoglobin in a mouse model of deep vein thrombosis. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, 2011 (Electronic Poster)

Saha P, Andia ME, Blume U, Wiethoff AJ, Schaeffter T, Evans C, Ahmad A, Patel A, Modarai B, Botnar RM, Smith A, Waltham M,. Magnetic Resonance T1 mapping predicts successful venous thrombolysis. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, 2011 (Traditional Poster)

Protti A, Sirker A, Dong X, Andia ME, Shah AM, Botnar RM. Imaging of inflammation using VSOP at multiple time points in a mouse model of myocardial infarction. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, 2011 (Electronic Poster)

Andia ME, Botnar RM. Modified Quadruple Inversion Recovery Prepulse for Arterial Spin Labelling Angiography without the Need of Subtraction. Proceedings of the 2011 SCMR/Euro CMR Joint Scientific Sessions, Nice. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson 2011, 13(Suppl 1):P375.


J A Delgado, MD; S Rascovsky, MD; P Abad, MD; R Lince, MD, ; L H Diaz, MD, ; S A Uribe, PHD, Volumetric Cardiac Quantification Using Three Dimensional Dual Phase Whole Heart MRI in the Pediatric Population. Oral presentation RSNA 2010 Chicago.

Cadavid L, Parra R, Tejos C, Urcelay G, Heusser F, Irarrazaval P, Uribe S. Hallazgos por resonancia magnética cardíaca en pacientes pediátricos con ventrículo izquierdo no compactado aislado. Oral presentation: Congreso Chileno de Cardiología.

Groves A, Chiesa G, Durighel G, Goldring S, Itzpatrick J, Uribe S, Razavi R, Hajnal J, and Edwards D. Development and validation of 3 Tesla functional cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in preterm and term newborns. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2010, 12(Suppl 1): Meeting Abstract: O32.

Rachel Clough, Tarique Hussain, Sergio Uribe, Peter Taylor, Reza Rezavi, Tobias Schaeffter and Matthew Waltham. An MRI examination for evaluation of aortic dissection using a blood pool agent. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2010, 12(Suppl 1): Meeting Abstract: O63.

Tarique Hussain, Hannah Bellsham-Revell, Sergio Uribe, Aaron Bell, Reza Razavi, Phillip Beerbaum,Isra Valverde, Tobias Schaeffter and Gerald Greil. Assesment of cardiac volumes in children with congenital heart disease using a 3D dual cardiac phase technique and a new segmentation tool. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2010, 12(Suppl 1): Meeting Abstract: P2.

Andrea J Wiethoff, John J Totman, Marcus R Makowski, Sergio Uribe, Tobias Schaeffter and René M Botnar. Acceleration of whole heart and targeted coronary artery imaging at 3 T with a 32-channel coil. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2010, 12(Suppl 1): Meeting Abstract: P54.

P. Bächler, N. Pinochet, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe. Resonancia Magnetica cardiovascular: Analisis de patrones de flujo aortico con secuencia “4D flow”. XLVII Congreso de la sociedad Chilena de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular. Santiago, diciembre 2010.

L. Cadavid, R. Parra, C. Tejos, G. Urcelay, F. Heusser, M. Andia, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe. Hallazgos por resonancia magnetica cardiaca en pacientes pediatricos con ventriculo izquierdo no compactado aislado. XLVII Congreso de la sociedad Chilena de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular. Santiago, diciembre 2010.

N. Pinochet, P. Bächler, R. Parra, E. Villanueva, J. Allende, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe. Imagenes coronarias por resonancia magnetica en niños con cardiopatias congenitas. XLVII Congreso de la sociedad Chilena de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular. Santiago, diciembre 2010.

L. Cadavid, R. Parra, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe. CMR assessment of ventricular performance in a pediatric population with isolated left ventricular non-compaction. Annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, 2010.

S. Uribe, T. Hussain, I. Valverde, P. Beerbaum, M. Fava, P. Irarrazaval, C. Tejos, R. Botnar, R. Razavi, T. Schaeffter, G. Greil. Coronary MR Angiography in CHD Children during Systole and Diastole Using a Dual Cardiac Phase Scan of the Whole Heart. Annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, 2010.

P. Bächler, N. Pinochet, G. Crelier, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Uribe. Patrones de flujo en la arteria pulmonar usando 4D Flow. Congreso interamericano de radiologia Santiago, 2010.

S. Uribe, P. Bachler, R. Parra, N. Pinochet, G. Crelier, J.M. Allendes, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval. 4D Flow: Una nueva herramienta de diagnostico para cardiopatias congenitas. Congreso interamericano de radiologia Santiago, 2010.

C. Sing-Long, V. Parot, C. Lizama, S. Uribe, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval. Analysis of Quadratic Field Distortions Using the Fractional Fourier Transform. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, May 2010.

J. Jacobsen, S Uribe, C. Tejos, C. Sing-Long, P. Irarrazaval. Automatic MRI Acquisition Parameters Optimization Using Perceptual Criteria. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, May 2010.

C. Arboleda, C. Tejos, S. Uribe, F. Zamorano, F. Aboitiz, P. Irarrazaval. A Low-Cost Experimental Set-Up for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, May 2010.

C. Arrieta, S. Uribe, C. Sing-Long, J. Ramos, A. Vargas, P. Irarrazaval, C. Tejos. Method for Constructing Rapid Prototyping from MR Data. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, May 2010.

S. Uribe, C. Galindo, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval, S. Chabert. Multiple Echo Multi Shot (MEMS) Diffusion Sequence. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, May 2010.

V. Parot, C. Sing-Long, C. Lizama, S. Uribe, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval. Reconstruction Method for Non-Homogeneous Magnetic Fields Using the Fractional Fourier Transform. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, May 2010.

Andia ME, Botnar RM. Fast T1 Mapping using modified Double-­‐‐Inversion Recovery pre-­‐‐pulse. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, 2010 (Oral Presentation).

Andia ME, Saha P, Wiethoff A, Blume U, Schaeffter T, Smith A, Botnar RM. Uptake of a fibrin-­‐‐targeted contrast agent could direct therapy following deep vein thrombosis. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, 2010 (Oral Presentation).

Prieto C, Andia ME, Botnar RM, Schaeffter T. Accelerating 3D Molecular MR Imaging using Compressed Sensing. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, 2010 (Poster Presentation).

Protti A, Sirker A, Dong X, Andia ME, Shah AM, Botnar RM. T2* map in in-­vivo inflammation mouse myocardium model. Proceedings 18th International Conference of the ISMRM, Stockholm, 2010 (Electronic Poster Presentation).

Andia ME, Botnar RM. Spin-Spoiler: A novel arterial spin labelling technique without the need of subtraction. Proceedings 13th Annual SCMR Scientific Sessions, Phoenix. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson 2010; 12(Suppl 1):O58


Parish V, Greil G, Schaeffter, T., Uribe, S. Accurate Magnetic Resonance Imaging assessment of ventricular volumes in a single breathhold using a 32-channel coil and an extracellular contrast agent. Heart, 2009. A18-A19, volume 95, suppl 1.

Uribe S, Valverde I, Beerbum P , Bell A, Botnar R, Razavi R, Schaeffter T, Greil G. Coronary MR Angiography in Children During Systole and Diastole Using a Dual Cardiac Phase Scan of the Whole Heart. ISMRM Annual meeting 2009, abstract 4721, Hawaii, USA. (Poster).

Groves A, Durighle G, Uribe S, Razavi R, Edwards D Repeatability and internal validation of Magnetic Resonance of cardiac Function in Newborn infants.. 50th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Research, Hamburg, Germany, 2009 (Oral Presentation).

Wiethoff A, Totman J, Uribe S, Shcaeffter T, Botnar R. Coronary Artery Imaging at 3T: A 32- Versus 6-Channel Cardiac Coil Comparison. ISMRM Annual meeting 2009, abstract 4721, Hawaii, USA. (Electronic Poster).

Parish V, Uribe S, Greil G, Schaeffter T. Accurate Assessment of Ventricular Volumes in a Single Breath Hold Using a 32-Channel Coil and an Extracellular Contrast Agent. 17th ISMRM Annual meeting 2009, abstract 4721, Hawaii, USA. (Oral presentation).

Odile F, Uribe S, Schaeffter T, Atkinson D. Cardiac and Respiratory Motion Compensated Reconstruction Driven Only by 1D Navigators. ISMRM Annual meeting 2009, abstract 4721, Hawaii, USA. (Electronic Poster).

Uribe S, Beerbum P, Allan Rasmusson, Thomas Sorensen, Razavi R, Schaeffter T. 4D Flow of the Whole Heart and Great Vessels Using a Real Time Self Respiratory Gating Technique: A Validation Study. 17th ISMRM Annual meeting 2009, abstract 4721, Hawaii, USA. (Oral presentation).

Uribe S, Beerbum P,Allan Murrason, Thomas Sorensen, Razavi R, Schaeffter T. 4D flow of the Whole Heart and Great Vessels at 3T Using Real Time Self Respiratory Gating. SCMR 2009 Los Angeles, USA. (poster 3).

Uribe S. et al, Valverde I, Beerbum P, Bell A, Botnar R, Razavi R, Schaeffter T and Greil G. Coronary MR Angiography in Children During Systole and Diastole Using a Dual Cardiac Phase Scan of the Whole Heart. SCMR 2009 Los Angeles, USA. (poster 68).

Makowski M, Wiethoff A, Parish V, Bell A, Botnar R, Jansen C, Uribe S, Rohrer M, Razavi R, Schaeffter T and Greil G. Contrast-enhanced MR imaging of pulmonary arteries: new imaging strategies using different contrast agents. SCMR 2009 Los Angeles, USA. (poster 63).

Greil G, Makowski M, Wiethoff A, Parish V, Uribe S, Jansen C, Rohrer M, Botnar R, Razavi R, Schaeffter T. Imaging of aortic coarctation using Gd-DTPA and Gadofosveset: a comparative study. SCMR 2009 Los Angeles, USA. (poster 261).

F. Campos, E. Cortazar, Y. Eterovic, L. Ramirez, C. Tejos and P. Irarrazaval, Visualization tools for understanding a complex code from a real application, Actas de la 22da Conferencia Internacional en Aplicaciones Computacionales en Industria e Ingeniería, San Francisco, EE.UU., 2009.Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, San Francisco, U.S.A., 2009.

C. Arrieta, C. Tejos, J. Ramos, A. Vargas and P. Irarrazaval, Volumetric accuracy for rapid prototyping models, Actas de las Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica, Valparaíso, Chile, 2009.Proceedings of the Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica, Valparaíso, Chile, 2009.

C. Sing-Long, C. Tejos and P. Irarrazaval, Unconstrained reconstruction scheme for Compressed Sensing using continuous approximations of the l0-quasi-norm, Actas de las Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica, Valparaíso, Chile, 2009.Proceedings of the Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica, Valparaíso, Chile, 2009.

J. Jacobsen, P. Irarrazaval and C. Tejos, Automatic MRI acquisition parameters optimization using HVS-based maps, Actas de la 13ra Conferencia de la MIPS, Santa Bárbara, EE.UU., 2009.Proceedings of the Medical Image Perception Society Conference XIII, Santa Barbara, U.S.A., 2009.

C. Prieto, S. Uribe, P. Batchelor, P. Irarrazaval, R. Razavi, D. Atkinson and T. Schaeffter, 3D Undersampled golden-radial phase encoding using iterative reconstructions and inherent regularization, Actas del 17mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Honolulu, EE.UU., Abril, 2009.Proceedings of the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., April, 2009.

L. Meneses, C. Tejos, M. Andía, M. Fava and P. Irarrazaval, Automatic estimation of renal cortical thickness using MRI perfusion curves, Actas del 17mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Honolulu, EE.UU., Abril, 2009.Proceedings of the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., April, 2009.

C. Sing-Long, C. Tejos and P. Irarrazaval, Evaluation of continuous approximation functions for the l0-norm for Compressed Sensing, Actas del 17mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Honolulu, EE.UU., Abril, 2009.Proceedings of the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., April, 2009.

C. Sing-Long, C. Tejos and P. Irarrazaval, Quality index for detecting reconstruction errors without knowing the signal in l0-norm Compressed Sensing, Actas del 17mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Honolulu, EE.UU., Abril, 2009.Proceedings of the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., April, 2009.

F. Prieto, M. Guarini, C. Tejos and P. Irarrazaval, Metrics for quantifying the quality of MR images, Actas del 17mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Honolulu, EE.UU., Abril, 2009.Proceedings of the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., April, 2009.

L. Ramírez, C. Prieto, C. Tejos, M. Guarini and P. Irarrazaval, Technique for Reconstruction based on Intensity Order (TRIO) applied as a second stage for dynamic MRI reconstruction, Actas del 17mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Honolulu, EE.UU., Abril, 2009.Proceedings of the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., April, 2009.

C. Tejos, M. Andia, P. Besa, J. Lorenzoni, A. Vieira, L. Meneses and P. Irarrazaval, Systematic evaluation of Stereotatic Radiosurgery effects in metastasis and acoustic neurinomas using MRI, Actas del 17mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Honolulu, EE.UU., Abril, 2009.Proceedings of the ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., April, 2009.


C. Prieto, L. Ramírez, C. Tejos and P. Irarrazaval, Undersampled dynamic reconstruction using TRIO: A Technique for Reconstruction Using Intensity Order, Actas del 25to Encuentro de la ESMRMB, Valencia, España, 2008.Proceedings of the ESMRMB 25th Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, 2008.

M. Andia, C. Tejos, C. Prieto, L. Ramirez, L. Meneses, D. Venencia and P. Irarrazaval, Evaluation of the Stereotaxis Radiosurgery effects using MRI, Actas del 16to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Toronto, Canadá, Mayo, 2008.Proceedings of the ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May, 2008.

L. Meneses, C. Tejos, M. Fava, M. Andia, M. Pincu, J. Cifuentes and P. Irarrazaval, Using Phase Contrast MRA for the diagnosis of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, Actas del 16to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Toronto, Canadá, Mayo, 2008.Proceedings of the ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May, 2008.

L. Meneses, C. Tejos, M. Fava, M. Andia, M. Pincu, J. Cifuentes and P. Irarrazaval, Using Phase Contrast MRA for the diagnosis of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, Actas del 16to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Toronto, Canadá, Mayo, 2008.Proceedings of the ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May, 2008.


M. Andia, M. Guarini, C. Tejos and P. Irarrazaval, Improving detection of lung nodules in chest radiography using dynamic cues, Actas de la 12da Conferencia de la MIPS, Iowa City, EE.UU., 2007.Proceedings of the Medical Image Perception Society Conference XII, Iowa City, U.S.A., 2007.

J. Plett, M. Guarini and P. Irarrazaval, Enhancement of visual perception through dynamic cues: an application to mammograms, Actas de la Conferencia Internacional de Procesamiento de Imágenes de la IEEE, San Antonio, Texas, EE.UU., 2007.Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 2007.

J. Morgan and P. Irarrazaval, Efficient solving for arbitrary susceptibility distributions using residual difference fields, Actas del 15to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Berlín, Alemania, Mayo, 2007.Proceedings of the ISMRM 15th Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May, 2007.

C. Prieto, J. Hajnal, M. Guarini and P. Irarrazaval, Under-sampled dynamic reconstruction using motion model of the tissues and multiple coils, Actas del 15to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Berlín, Alemania, Mayo, 2007.Proceedings of the ISMRM 15th Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May, 2007.

S. Malik, J. Hajnal and P. Irarrazaval, Image entropy of undersampled data: a useful measure of aliasing severity, Actas del 15to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Berlín, Alemania, Mayo, 2007.Proceedings of the ISMRM 15th Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May, 2007.

I. Vallejos, M. Guarini, and P. Irarrazaval, Efficient trajectory design for measuring velocity distribution of spectra from MR images, Actas del 15to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Berlín, Alemania, Mayo, 2007.Proceedings of the ISMRM 15th Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May, 2007.

R. Cadiz, C. Tejos, P. Irarrazaval and M. Guarini, Quantization noise in MRI acquisition, Actas del 15to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Berlín, Alemania, Mayo, 2007.Proceedings of the ISMRM 15th Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May, 2007.

C. Tejos, J. Hajnal, M. Guarini and P. Irarrazaval, Tracking the left ventricle from under-sampled MR images, Actas del 15to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Berlín, Alemania, Mayo, 2007.Proceedings of the ISMRM 15th Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May, 2007.


C. Prieto, R. Mir, P. Batchelor, D. Hill, M. Guarini and P. Irarrazaval, Reconstruction of udersampled dynamic images by modeling the motion of object elements, Actas del 14to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Seattle, EE.UU., Mayo, 2006.Proceedings of the ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., May, 2006.

C. Tejos, M. Guarini and P. Irarrazaval, Simultaneous segmentation and registration of MR images, Actas del 14to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Seattle, EE.UU., Mayo, 2006.Proceedings of the ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., May, 2006.

S. Uribe, M. Hansen, R. Boubertakh, V. Muthurangu, R. Razavi and P. Irarrazaval, Reducing eddy currents artifacts for self-navigated reconstruction in B-SSPF by super-segmented acquisition, Actas del 14to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Seattle, EE.UU., Mayo, 2006.Proceedings of the ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., May, 2006.

M. Callaghan, J.L. Ulloa, D. Larkman, P. Irarrazaval and J. Hajnal, Measuring coil sensitivities of transmit and receive arrays with demonstration of RF shimming, Actas del 14to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Seattle, EE.UU., Mayo, 2006.Proceedings of the ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., May, 2006.

I. Lillo, J. Plett, M. Guarini, R. Mir and P. Irarrazaval, Improved random sampling reconstruction for in-vivo data using Discrete Cosine Transform, Actas del 14to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Seattle, EE.UU., Mayo, 2006.Proceedings of the ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., May, 2006.

J.L. Ulloa, M. Callaghan, M. Guarini, J. Hajnal and P. Irarrazaval, Calculation of B1 pulses for RF shimming at arbitrary flip angle using multiple transmitters, Actas del 14to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Seattle, EE.UU., Mayo, 2006.Proceedings of the ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., May, 2006.

J. Plett, I. Lillo, M. Guarini and P. Irarrazaval, Comparison of wavelets and a new DCT algorithm for sparsely sampled reconstruction, Actas del 14to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Seattle, EE.UU., Mayo, 2006.Proceedings of the ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., May, 2006.

A. Cárdenas-Blanco, C. Tejos, D. Xing and L.D. Hall, In-situ observation of T2 and ADC changes in cartilage during collagen depletion, Actas del 14to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Seattle, EE.UU., Mayo, 2006.Proceedings of the ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., May, 2006.


J.L. Ulloa, P. Irarrazaval and J. Hajnal, Exploring 3D RF shimming for slice selective imaging, Actas del 13er Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Miami, EE.UU., Mayo, 2005.Proceedings of the ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2005.

C. Arellano, S. Chabert, A. Villanueva and P. Irarrazaval, Lung perfusion imagin at 0.5T using double inversion recovery, Actas del 13er Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Miami, EE.UU., Mayo, 2005.Proceedings of the ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2005.

C. Prieto, M. Guarini, D. Hill, R. Boubertakh, P. Batchelor, J. Hajnal and P. Irarrazaval, Undersampled dynamic data reconstruction based on object motion estimation, Actas del 13er Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Miami, EE.UU., Mayo, 2005.Proceedings of the ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2005.

S. Malik, S. Schmitz, J. Fitzpatrick, P. Irarrazaval, D. Hill and J. Hajnal, X-F choice: a reconstruction method for under-sampled dynamic data using an adaptive fitting approach, Actas del 13er Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Miami, EE.UU., Mayo, 2005.Proceedings of the ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2005.

S. Uribe, R. Mir, A. Guesalaga, J. Spiniak and P. Irarrazaval, A simple 3D k-space trajectory design method for MRSI and MRI applications, Actas del 13er Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Miami, EE.UU., Mayo, 2005.Proceedings of the ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2005.

P. Batchelor, D. Atkinson, D. Hill, D. Larkman, J. Hajnal and P. Irarrazaval, A matrix framework for general non-affine motion correction in multishot acquisitions, Actas del 13er Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Miami, EE.UU., Mayo, 2005.Proceedings of the ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2005.

C. Tejos, A. Cárdenas-Blanco and L.D. Hall, Active Contours and Statistical Shape Knowledge: An Automatic Solution for Segmentation of Articular Cartilage from MR Images which have a Partial Loss of Boundaries, Actas del 13er Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Miami, EE.UU., Mayo, 2005.Proceedings of the ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2005.


P. Irarrazaval, R. Boubertakh, J. Tsao, R. Razavi and D. Hill, Reconstruction of undersampled dynamic images based on time frame registration, Actas del 12do Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Kyoto, EE.UU., Mayo, 2004.Proceedings of the ISMRM 12th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2004.

R. Boubertakh, P. Irarrazaval, D. Hill, J. Hajnal, S. Arridge and R. Razavi, Dynamic images reconstruction using kt-BLAST without training data, Actas del 12do Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Kyoto, EE.UU., Mayo, 2004.Proceedings of the ISMRM 12th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2004.

J.M. Fernandez and P. Irarrazaval, Non-linear magnetic field application for MR imaging: Traveling Pulse Encoding, Actas del 12do Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Kyoto, EE.UU., Mayo, 2004.Proceedings of the ISMRM 12th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2004.

J. Bilbao, J.L. Ulloa, M. Guarini and P. Irarrazaval, k-space information map, Actas del 12do Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Kyoto, EE.UU., Mayo, 2004.Proceedings of the ISMRM 12th Scientific Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., May, 2004.

C. Tejos, L.D. Hall and A. Cárdenas-Blanco, Segmentation of Articular Cartilage using Active Contours and Prior Knowledge, Actas de la 26ta Conferencia Anual de la Sociedad IEEE de Ingeniería en Medicina y Biología, San Francisco, EE.UU., 2004.Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Francisco, U.S.A., 2004.


J.L. Albornoz, I. Contreras, M. Rosenblitt and P. Irarrazaval, Exploiting information redundancy using an undersampled projection acquisition technique, Actas del 11er Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Toronto, Canadá, Julio, 2003.Proceedings of the ISMRM 11th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July, 2003.

R. Mir, A. Guesalaga, M. Rosenblitt and P. Irarrazaval, Fast three dimensional k-space trajectory design using missile design ideas, Actas del 11er Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Toronto, Canadá, Julio, 2003.Proceedings of the ISMRM 11th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July, 2003.


S. Sabat and P. Irarrazaval, Three dimensional k-space trajectory design using genetic algorithms, Actas del 10mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Honolulu, EE.UU., Mayo, 2002.Proceedings of the ISMRM 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., May, 2002.

J.L. Ulloa, M. Guarini and P. Irarrazaval, Chebyshev series for optimal control problem in pulse design, Actas del 10mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Honolulu, EE.UU., Mayo, 2002.Proceedings of the ISMRM 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., May, 2002.


M. Rosenblitt, J. Akel and P. Irarrazaval, Off-resonance correction with a segmented and density compensated linear time map, Actas del 8vo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Denver, EE.UU., 2000.Proceedings of the ISMRM 8th Scientific Meeting, Denver, U.S.A., 2000.

J. Akel and P. Irarrazaval, Alternative reconstruction method for 2DFT data in the presence of off-resonance, Actas del 8vo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Denver, EE.UU., 2000.Proceedings of the ISMRM 8th Scientific Meeting, Denver, U.S.A., 2000.


P. Irarrazaval and M. Rosenblitt, Off-resonance correction using a linear correction of the time map, Actas del 7mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Filadelfia, EE.UU., 1999.Proceedings of the ISMRM 7th Scientific Meeting, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1999.

P. Irarrazaval and J.M. Santos, Velocity shifting reconstruction for flow artifact reduction, Actas del 7mo Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Filadelfia, EE.UU., 1999.Proceedings of the ISMRM 7th Scientific Meeting, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1999.


D. Thedens, P. Irarrazaval and D. Nishimura, Fast three-dimensional spiral imaging with a cone-stack hybrid trajectory, Actas del 6to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Sydney, Australia, 1998.Proceedings of the ISMRM 6th Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 1998.

D. Thedens, P. Irarrazaval and D. Nishimura, Multi-frequency reconstruction from an intensity-weighted, locally-averaged field map, Actas del 6to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Sydney, Australia, 1998.Proceedings of the ISMRM 6th Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 1998.

H. Sedarat, P. Irarrazaval, C. Meyer, T. Sachs and D. Nishimura, Three-dimensional coronary angiography using partial k-space acquisition and T2-prep contrast, Actas del 6to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Sydney, Australia, 1998.Proceedings of the ISMRM 6th Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 1998.

H. Cline, D. Thedens, P. Irarrazaval, C. Meyer, B. Hu, D. Nishimura and D. Ludke, 3D MR coronary artery segmentation, Actas del 6to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Sydney, Australia, 1998.Proceedings of the ISMRM 6th Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 1998.

P. Irarrazaval, J.M. Santos and D. Nishimura, Velocity k-space analysis of flow effects in three-dimensional imaging, Actas del 6to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Sydney, Australia, 1998.Proceedings of the ISMRM 6th Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 1998.


J. Brittain, E. Olcott, A. Szuba, G. Gold, G. Wright, P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, Three-dimensional flow-independent peripheral angiography, Actas del 5to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Vancouver, Canadá, 1997.Proceedings of the ISMRM 5th Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 1997.

D. Thedens, P. Irarrazabal, T. Sachs, C. Meyer and D. Nishimura, Three-dimensional coronary angiography with spiral trajectories, Actas del 5to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Vancouver, Canadá, 1997.Proceedings of the ISMRM 5th Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 1997.


H. Sedarat, P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, Off-resonance correction using a piece-wise linear field-map approximation, Actas del 4to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Nueva York, EE.UU., 1996.Proceedings of the ISMRM 4th Scientific Meeting, New York, U.S.A., 1996.

J. Brittain, E. Olcott, A. Szuba, P. Irarrazabal, G. Gold, W. Wright and D. Nishimura, Improvements for clinical 3D flow-independent peripheral angiography, Actas del 4to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Nueva York, EE.UU., 1996.Proceedings of the ISMRM 4th Scientific Meeting, New York, U.S.A., 1996.

D. Thedens, G. Gold, P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, Fast 3D imaging with a short readout short TE cones trajectory, Actas del 4to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Nueva York, EE.UU., 1996.Proceedings of the ISMRM 4th Scientific Meeting, New York, U.S.A., 1996.

H. Sedarat, P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, Optimal quantization and first-order approximation in multi-frequency reconstruction, Actas del 4to Encuentro Científico de la ISMRM, Nueva York, EE.UU., 1996.Proceedings of the ISMRM 4th Scientific Meeting, New York, U.S.A., 1996.

P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, Velocity k-space analysis of flow effects for three-dimensional trajectories, Workshop en Procesamiento de Señales de RM, Universidad de Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, EE.UU., Octubre, 1996.Workshop on MR Signal Processing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A., 1996.


P. Irarrazabal, T. Sachs, C. Meyer, J. Brittain and D. Nishimura, Fast Volumetric Imaging of the Heart, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 3, 1393-1393, NizaNice, 1995.

D. Thedens, P. Irarrazabal, C. Meyer and D. Nishimura, Faster Three-Dimensional Spiral Imaging with Reduced Aliasing, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 1, 100-100, NizaNice, 1995.

H. Sedarat, P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, Linear Correction of Inhomogeneity for Fast 3D Spiral Imaging, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 1, 101-101, NizaNice, 1995.

T. Sachs, C. Meyer, P. Irarrazabal, B. Hu, D. Nishimura, A. Macovski, P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, The Diminishing Variance Algorithm for Real-Time reduction of Motion Artifacts in MRI, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 2, 742-742, NizaNice, 1995.

J. Brittain, P. Irarrazabal, G. Wright and D. Nishimura, Three-Dimensional Flow-Independent Peripheral Angiography, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 1, 416-416, NizaNice, 1995.

E. Adalsteinsson, P. Irarrazabal, J. Pauly, D. Spielman and A. Macovski, Volumetric Metabolite Imaging with Time-Varying Gradients, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 1, 325-325, NizaNice, 1995.

C. Mosquera, P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, Noise Behavior in Gridding Reconstruction, Actas de la Conferencia Internacional en Acústica, Voz y Procesamiento de SeñalesProceedings of the International
Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing
, 4, 2281-2284, Detroit, 1995.


G. Morrel, E. Adalsteinsson, P. Irarrazabal and A. Macovski, Fast Spectroscopic Imaging with Time-Varying Gradients, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 3, 1181-1181, San Francisco, EE.UU.USA, 1994.

P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, Efficient K-Space Trajectories for Fast Three-Dimensional Imaging, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 1, 30-30, San Fracisco, EE.UU.USA, 1994.

D. Nishimura, P. Irarrazabal and C. Meyer, A Velocity K-Space Analysis of Flow Effects in Echo-Planar and Spiral Imaging, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 1, 24-24, San Fracisco, EE.UU.USA, 1994.


P. Irarrazabal and D. Nishimura, Quantification and Comparison of Flow Distortion for Fast Imaging, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 3, 1257-1257, Nueva York, EE.UU.New York, USA, 1993.

P. Irarrazabal, C. Meyer and D. Nishimura, Noise Characterization for Gridding Reconstruction, Actas de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 2, 711-711, Nueva York, EE.UU.New York, USA, 1993.


P. Irarrazabal, B. Hu, J. Pauly, D. Nishimura and A. Macovski, Real-Time Spatially Localized Velocity Distribution, Actas del 11er Encuentro Anual de la Sociedad de Resonancia MagnéticaProceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, 1, 215-215, Berlin, AlemaniaGermany, 1992.